
Christmas was quiet, with family here for lunch and then friends for dinner. Our little grandson didn’t know which present to open first, and of course when he’d opened them all and played with them, like all little kids he asked if there were more? He obviously thought Christmas was a day of non-stop presents 🙂

WriteFest, the Bundaberg writers festival I organise, is looming closer and although the line-up includes an editor presenting a masterclass, an industry professional presenting a media workshop, and an author presenting two workshops, I’m still chasing another one, or maybe two, authors. But I’ve been extremely lucky to have had two lovely editors from Harper Collins Publishers Australia agree to come to WriteFest to conduct editor-writer interviews with aspiring writers. This is particularly fantastic as Harper Collins is no longer accepting unsolicited manuscripts so this is a wonderful opportunity for writers to get their work in front of an editor.

Between organising WriteFest and family stuff time is whizzing past. Have to keep my fingers glued to the keyboard so I can finish MM&M.

Gotta go …