It’s hard to believe the year is drawing to a close. So much has been happening it’s not easy to keep on top of it all.

Until Death will be released on 1st January 2005 in the A format edition. This is the normal-sized paperback that most people are familiar with. A lot of books today first come out in C format, which is the larger size, then are published almost a year later in the smaller (and smaller priced) edition.

In October I met Phil Smith, ABC Queensland radio reporter and author, who had a wonderful idea for a radio book club. An enthusiastic and innovative type (check out his website at, Phil soon convinced the powers at ABC of the benefits of showcasing the books of Queensland authors. He was kind enough to ask if Until Death could be one of the books offered, and like any author who hasn’t had a frontal lobotomy I didn’t hesitate in expressing my delight. So my New Year will be highlighted by discussing my book with Phil and Kelly Higgins-Devine on air on 1st February. More details can be found at

For some people April Fools Day is spent cringing at the corny “gotcha” jokes played by friends and sometimes those who aren’t so amusing. But in 2005 I’ll be watching the bookstores for the release of my fifth book, Dangerous Deception, and hoping fate doesn’t have any tricks up her sleeve for me.

Currently, I’m running two competitions – one for the A format edition of Until Death, and one for the C format edition of Dangerous Deception, so have a look at my Competitions page and if you’d like to have a chance at winning either or both, send me an email with “Competition” in the subject line.

For my last posting for 2004, I’d like to thank my readers for your support and wonderful feedback. I believe that a writer owes it to the reader to write the very best book he/she can, so that the reader gets value for the money they spent buying the book. I strive to always deliver value-packed entertainment, and hope you feel I’ve been successful.

May you all have a safe and happy festive season, and may 2005 bring peace to this troubled world of ours.