After two weeks with the flu and then a wisdom tooth extraction (hated to lose that one – I need all the wisdom I can get 😉 ) I finally feel well enough to continue writing Murder, Mayhem & Menopause.

It’s interesting how characters take on a life the author didn’t have planned for them. In MM&M one of the characters, Kandy, was only going to be a friend who occasionally joined the two main characters, Ellie and Cass, but somehow she’s morphed into a major character rather than a minor one. Kandy might think she’s fine with the way she lives her life, but there’s a shock in store for her.

Ellie’s life, on the other hand, isn’t fine. Her marriage break-up, having to find a job, and going to live with her youngest daughter hurtle her into a life very different to what she’s previously known. And then there’s the body she discovers … And the cop who makes her think there’s hope for a fifty-one-year-old woman trying to cope with menopause on top of everything else.

Funny, but whenever I type the book title, I get this craving for chocolate …