ANZAC Day today. I’ve been watching television documentaries on the landing at Gallipoli and tears come to my eyes at the thought of all those young lives lost in battle. I wonder if mankind will ever learn from what the history books show us so explicitly – the hunger for power and greed for possession by leaders of countries is never worth the cost in lives lost and homes destroyed.

Countries that once fought each other to death or surrender are now friends and allies. I hope they remain so.

On a lighter note, Dangerous Deception was launched at the Bundaberg Library on 1st April. Yes, I know, April Fools Day, and we did have a few laughs, too, with a quiz that got the memory cells surging and revealed aspects of the participants’ characters that probably surprised them.

Our local writers’ club is running a One-Day WriteFest on 21st May, and as President I’ve been busy organising authors and industry professionals to run workshops and tutorials. It looks to be a great day, so if anyone is interested in coming along, just email me at and I’ll send you all the information.

Now I really have to get stuck back into writing book six, Fatal Flaw. There are some very interesting characters in this one, and it will be a challenge to write without giving too much away yet still plant enough clues to enable readers to guess the outcome. Or maybe they won’t. 🙂

Writing suspense is a finely balanced skill, and I hope I can impart some of the knowledge I’ve gained to those people who attend the tutorial on suspense that I’ll be presenting at the Romance Writers of Australia Conference in Melbourne in August.